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At the creation of mankind, we were entrusted with the stewardship of the earth, the animals, and all that is within it. We are guardians of that stewardship dedicated to the restoration and healing of humans, activation of their divine gifts, and connection to their relationship with the Creator and its creation, the earth and all life within it. Following the way that honors Yeshua. We research, become, and embody the paths and ways of the original teachers of this truth, a balanced truth, whose greatest treatise is:

So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.


Acting in and with love we have hope to restore those whose lives  the experience of love is needed and may have been missing.

sarah a. sherman

Ever wondered how you could make a positive direct impact on the world around you? This question has become a primary question in my life. You are invited to participate in this quest.

As a backstory... I came from the land of professionals - having a history in film and video production, finance and sales. For years, my web development agency has partnered and donated work to many nonprofits: land preservation projects, doctors offering free surgeries, companies that educate young people about how to take care of the planet. Although we created 1,000 of sites and maintained a great reputation I knew there was still something more.

I took the deep dive and here I am in a small biologically diverse area in the Cloud Forests of Peru. Living close to the earth with a tin roof in a rural farming community.  Moving here specifically is based  observations of the steps the world has been taking.  I came to to learn everything I could about land regeneration, water health and sustainability.   Things I feel will be and are a very important part of being alive and creating a sustainable future.

I am just like you.  I breathe the same air, drink the water of the earth and eat food.  I have healed from things that still cripple some.  I am here to be a helping hand to recreate the story of our lives into something that breeds positivity, kindness, and well-being - emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual.  Together we create a future.

The greatest things in life never happen alone.

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

sarah lifetuaght about_edited.jpg


we are guardians. dedicated to healing the human soul, restoring our divine gifts and  walking the path and ways of yeshua in friendship and reverence with the great spirit and its creation, the mother earth.

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the farm and it's beginnings.

Located in Huyropata, Peru, The Guardian Farm was established on an almost deserted biological center. Despite its rustic nature, the farm boasts nine buildings, including dormitories and rooms that can comfortably accommodate up to 50 people. Upon initial inspection, the center was overrun with mold and had 15 years worth of unsorted trash piled everywhere. However, through our efforts, we were able to clean, paint, and remove the mold by adding tile floors in the bedrooms, ultimately creating a more organized and functional space.

Since hosting our first volunteer, The Guardian Farm has welcomed over 100s of volunteers from all corners of the world, including Israel, Australia, Spain, Austria, France, Germany, Norway, the United States, Canada, small islands in the Caribbean, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Venezuela, Brazil, the United Kingdom, and China. Additionally, students from universities in Lima have come to earn their prepractica hours, which are essential to obtaining their degrees.

At The Guardian Farm, our volunteers learn and participate in activities that involve reforestation, seed collection, germination, growing trees and effective planting strategies. Daily life includes learning hands on about soil health: composting, biochar, compost tea, organic amendments, and now a large hugelkulture area is being formed. Our volunteers eat great simple farm cooking and gain knowledge about fermentation and natural food preservation techniques. Together we participate in community activities such as collecting trash and assisting our neighbors with harvesting their crops. We are always studying something from the native medicinal plant species, bees, codyceps, mushroom cultivation, animal care, orchids, tea, natural fuel and much more, our volunteers gain an array of micro-experiences during their time at The Guardian Farm.

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Guardian Farm l Volunteer in Peru

we are guardians.

dedicated to healing the human soul, restoring our divine gifts and  walking the path and ways of Yeshua in friendship and reverence with the Creator, stewards of the mother earth and all life within it.


tel usa: +1 408 335 7378

whatsapp: +51 910 720 139

california, usa - sacred valley, peru

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