Restaurierung - Bildung - Anwendung
Wir verbinden uns wieder mit unserer göttlichen Bestimmung und heilen unser inneres Reich. Wir gehen Partnerschaften ein, beteiligen uns und initiieren Aktionen, die dazu beitragen, dass die Welt und die Natur mit uns gedeihen.
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eine Person, die das Eigentum oder die finanziellen Angelegenheiten einer anderen Person verwaltet; jemand, der etwas als Vertreter einer oder mehrerer anderer Personen verwaltet.

Verbundenheit – Gemeinschaft – Engagement.
Kommt alle zu mir, die ihr mühselig und beladen seid; ich will euch erquicken.
Die Farm ist unser Basislager in der Nähe von Quillabamba, Peru. Sie ist ein Zentrum für Bildung durch Workshops und aktive Teilnahme, das dabei hilft, die Verantwortung für uns selbst und die Erde zu schulen und zu stärken. Wir pflanzen hier Bäume, arbeiten an ökologischen und gemeinschaftlichen Projekten und leben hier. Wir sind ein Ort, der Langzeit- und Kurzzeitsucher nach dem Schöpfer allen Lebens im Gebet, in Meditation, beim Wasser- und Saftfasten willkommen heißt.
+ Workshop-Kalender anzeigen ...
+ Fastenretreat reservieren ...
+ Wochenend- und Fachfreiwillige ...

Was ist los? + aktuelle Projekte .

Fasten - Meditation - Gebet
Lang- und Kurzzeitaufenthalte
Und wenn mein Volk, das nach meinem Namen genannt ist, sich demütigt und betet und mein Angesicht sucht und sich von seinen bösen Wegen abwendet, werde ich es vom Himmel aus erhören und werde ihm seine Sünden vergeben und werde sein Land heilen.
Fasten und beten Sie in einer sicheren Umgebung in der Natur. Zelten, natürliche Pools und heiße Duschen. Erwachen Sie zu den Geräuschen der Natur, Tukane fliegen über Ihnen hinweg, warme Gewitter. Sie sind in einem Nebelwald in den Anden und können frei mit dem Schöpfer allen Lebens kommunizieren.
+ Lust zu kommen? Mehr erfahren ...

ich möchte mich engagieren. +Aktivitäten und Workshops .

was die Leute sagen. +Erlebnisse.

Sara - Argentina
I have never been treated so well while volunteering before. I would highly recommend this place for people looking for their first WWOOF experience. The farm is lively and holds an abundance of different projects. Everyone working is incredibly sweet, and the work environment is very respectful of everyone´s time. Sarah is an incredibly considering host, that makes the effort to make sure we are working with something we like, and that all our needs are met (Thank you for all the bread and for sharing the ratios for the ferments <3). The accommodations are very comfortable. The kitchen is well equipped and there is always food avaliable. We have full freedom to consume all fruits and vegetables, and there is also an abundance of other ingredients and ferments that make incredible meals. Food is generous here. The farm is in a great location, and you have the freedom to explore freely during the weekends. Fun day trips and activities are organized during the week, and it is 100% worth exploring the river and the farm itself! Thank you so much for hosting me <3 Im glad I could add to this project even if just for a little while♥︎

Leon - France
What a wonderful place filled with beautiful people. I stayed here during 3 weeks and could have stay lot more longer. Everything here is so nice. The work, you can choose what you want to do everyday, everything is so interesting ! The food is delicious, you have illimited acces to fresh fruits and sodaaaa. The host Sarah is so kind, generous and always want you to have a great time, she did so much for me and the others volunteer. The workers are really kind. The place is beautiful. I’m really sad to quit this place that feel like home ❤️

Alex - Canada
Working on Sarah's farm for three weeks has been an enriching and fulfilling experience. From the moment I stepped onto the picturesque property, I was welcomed with warmth and enthusiasm by Sarah and her team. The work environment was both supportive and educational, allowing me to learn new skills while contributing to the daily operations of the farm. Overall, my experience working on Sarah's farm was nothing short of transformative. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of such a welcoming and environmentally conscious community. I leave with a newfound passion for sustainable agriculture and a wealth of memories that I will cherish for years to come. Thank you, Sarah, for an unforgettable experience.

Paul - Germany
At the Farm you can learn a lot about self-sustainable farming and living, immerse yourself into farm work, help maintaining the facilities, and get to know the locals. Sarah wants to make sure you are doing what feels best for you so that you stay motivated and are enabled to cause the best impact for the farm, its inhabitants (human or not) and the community around. The Farm lives from proactive engagement, and your ideas are much appreciated. We were also given a lot of flexibility for going on adventures, like visiting machu picchu, going for bird watching and exploring the nearby town.