I love bunnies with their big ears and inquisitive eyes. Their gentleness and beautiful diet loving to eat almost all things in the garden. A long time a ago on a walk I found a bunny by the side of the road. Its past was uncertain possibly left behind by someone who could not care for them. I brought the rabbit home with me and decided to rehabilitate it by allowing it to have unrestricted access to my wondrous vegetable garden.
The garden was in full glory - zucchinis, beans, lettuce - all available for the rabbit. From starvation and fear to abundance and safety. For me, I so enjoyed the obvious pleasure that rabbit had in my garden. Then I still had an organic market down the street so what I did not eat my rabbit could. If she ate what I wanted I knew where to get more.
Almost the same week we came to the farm 4 beautiful bunnies showed up. We were knee deep in piles of trash, cleaning and pulling out moldly floors. The rabbits joined the 5 cuy in a dark cement animal house that had been used for years. I felt saddened seeing them in this space wanting their paws to touch earth, for them to be able to eat fresh food and have more air. Not wanting to see them so locked away.
Finally several weeks later we reached a point where we could have a farm hand embark on the task of creating a bunny castle for prince and princess bunnies. It is a mix of adobe, clay, grass and wood. The building has been going on for a week and it has been fun watching it created. Raul says that we will have underground tunnels. Hopefully, we can introduce the bunnies this week and I will start creating the green environment for them as well. Projects and progress. Good, good times.
